Bonifas Fine Arts Center, Escanaba, Michigan
Bonnie Peterson, a SAQA member from Houghton MI, sent us information about Fabrications III, a juried show for Upper Peninsula fiber artists, to be held at the Bonifas Fine Arts Center in Escanaba. Here's the link (scroll down a little to find this particular exhibit). Exhibition dates are March 29 through April 26. 2012.
The entry deadline is 3 pm on February 28, 2012.
Bonnie is the juror for this exhibit and will also be presenting a workshop "Into the Mix: Machine Embroidery & Heat Transfer" on Friday, April13. Information is included on the pdf of the application form. Here's the link to Bonnie's website.
Although SAQA's Michigan region has only two members in the Upper Peninsula, many of our other members may know fiber artists living in the UP, so I encourage you to pass this information along to your friends and to other groups you belong to or know of.
Mary McLeod Bethune Performing Arts Center & Visual Arts Gallery, Daytona Beach, FL
Von Biggs, a SAQA member in Indiana and a friend from the Fabrications Retreat in Michigan, sent us a link to the website of Juanita Yaeger, a fiber artist and SAQA member in Florida who is coordinating four exhibits for the Mary McLeod Bethune Performing Arts Center & Visual Arts Gallery in Daytona Beach, Florida.
Two of the exhibits are for traditional 2-D media - oils, acrylics, watercolor, etc. However, there is also one, Glued Down, for assemblage and collage; click here for information.
And one for art quilts: Stitched Through. Click here for information.
Good luck, everyone.
And be sure to send information on exhibits and competitions, both on entries and on your successes. The SAQA website has an excellent list of calls for entries - open shows as well as SAQA member shows - but often there are other competitions and exhibits that are not posted there. Let's keep each other informed.